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TAGS åbner for tilmeldinger

Tomorrow’s Awesome Games Showcase (TAGS) vender stærkt tilbage i 2025 og åbner tilmelding til showcasen idag. Efter en succesfuld debut under Copenhagen Gaming Week 2024, er Tomorrow’s Awesome Games Showcase (TAGS) klar til at …
By admin
September 19, 2024
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THIS.GAME in Aarhus

THIS GAME is the go-to games conference for industry professionals in Denmark for game design and game development. Every year, we gather the Nordic game industry for a day of knowledge, inspiration, and networking, …
By admin
August 19, 2024
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Industry get-together at DHL

The Copenhagen DHL Run, known as "DHL Stafetten," is one of the largest relay race events in the world, held annually in Fælledparken, Copenhagen. This event, famous for its team relay format, brings together …
By admin
August 19, 2024
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Games Denmark celebrating our industry at Gamescom

Games Denmark will of course be at gamescom next week as part of the Danish delegation. Come by the Danish booth in Hall 4.1 - A013g on Thursday 22nd at 17.00 and celebrate the …
By admin
August 14, 2024